Personal exhibition Changes III in Bruxelles 05/07/2011

Personal exhibition Changes III, rez-de-chaussée bâtiment Trèves Rue de Trèves 74, 1040 Bruxelles
Exhibition is open from 06. July until to end of September 2011

Personal exhibition “Changes” Mezzanine de la bibliothèque linguistique 07/03/2011

Mezzanine de la bibliothèque linguistique

7ème étage du bâtiment LEX
Alates 8. märtsist kuni 31. maini

Näitus LEXis :

Eesti naise tugevus ja õrnus.

Keeleraamatukogu avab 100. rahvusvahelise naistepäeva auks pidulikult oma uue näituseala. Eesti kunstniku Sirje Protsin-Peterseni maalinäitus « Changes » kujutab naisfiguure. Julgustan teid igati võtma ette teed LEXi hoone 7. korrusele, et neid maale oma silmaga imetleda.

Miks peaks minema keeleraamatukokku, kui ometi on kõik vajalik olemas internetis ja sõnastikegi vastu on huvi kadumas ? Eelkõige seetõttu, et see pole tõsi. Raamatukogul on Google’i ees nii kvantiteedilt kui kvaliteedilt veel suur edumaa. Peale selle ei tasu unustada, et raamatukogu pole mitte koht, kus igavad raamatud kattuvad aja möödudes paksu tolmukihiga, vaid vastupidi – see on koht, kus lugejate teed ristuvad ning kus nad saavad jagada oma armastust sõnade ja keelte vastu ning kus kuuldub vahel valjusid naerupahvakuidki.

Maikuu lõpuni on teil veel kaks lisapõhjust raamatukokku suunduda – avatud on dokumentide publitseerimisega tegeleva Service technique’i hariv näitus, millest on juba varem juttu olnud, ning lisaks imetlusväärne maalinäitus. Peadirektoraadi A3 direktriss Margarida Lacerda ja keeleraamatukogu juhatuse esimees Heiki Pisuke avaldasid heameelt uue näitusteks ette nähtud mezzanine’i üle, mis on soe ja külalislahke kohtumispaik. „Raamatukogu ei ole pelgalt raamatute kollektsioon”, märkis Heiki Pisuke, „vaid see peab kujunema moodsaks kultuuriruumiks, kus kunstidel on vaba voli.”

Tõepoolest, see mis väljendub Sirje Protsin-Peterseni maalidel, ongi vabadus kogu oma keerukuses ja vastuolulisuses. Eesti kunstnik ülistab naist tema erinevates hoiakutes ja hingeseisundites. Siin ei ole tahetud niivõrd kirjeldada naist olendina ega ka naise eriomadusi, vaid pigem on eesmärk täita näituseruum intrigeerivate naiselike lõhnanootidega. Figuurid on esile toodud värvide ja julgete pintslitõmmetega. On tunda, et kunstniku pintslitõmbed on sündinud lõuendile armastusega, liikudes jõuliselt mööda lõuendil, alistumata kiusatusele see lõhestada. Need hellitused on vastuolulised, peaaegu vägivaldsed… ja ometi siirad. Sirje Protsin-Peterseni figuurid ei pretendeeri idüllile, nad ei unusta kannatuste naudingut ega hellusega kaasneda võivat valu.

Näitust avades täpsustas proua Lacerda, et « see sündmus, mille keskmes on naised, tuletab meile meelde, et väljaspool meie endi turvalist keskkonda on arvukalt naisi, keda kasutatakse ära, kelle kallal tarvitatakse vägivalda ja kes on ühiskonnast välja heidetud. Need maalid on siin muu hulgas selleks, et panna meid mõtlema, et me ei unustaks ka neid naisi. »

Näitus jääb avatuks 31. maini ning väärib tõesti LEXi maja külastamist (ehkki tee nõukogu peamajast LEXi viib mööda inetust ja lärmakast ehitusplatsist). Les discours inauguraux de Mme Lacerda et M. Pisuke sont disponible sur le site de la DG A3. Margarida Lacerda ja Heiki Pisukese avakõned on kättesaadavad DG A3 kodulehel.

Changes 13/09/2010

The exhibition “Changes” by Estonian painter Sirje Protsin-Petersen will be opened on October 7, 2010.

The exhibition in Estonian Embassy in Belgium and Luxembourg will stay open until February 28, 2011.

If possible, please inform us beforehand of your visit by e-mail or by phone

Twin exhibition in Pärnu 20/11/2009

On 2 December 2009, an exhibition entitled 1+1 Is More Than 2 by artists Sirje Protsin-Petersen
and Per William Petersen opens to the public.
Sirje: In order to understand oneself, one ought to experience the dissimilar.
Past and present intimidations and infatuations.
To remember and ruminate over private, undisclosed feelings and knowledge.
I combine pain and beauty in a surreal landscape, where the abstract meets the specific.
States of mind and expressive anguish flood the canvas in colour in order to expose the hidden layers of the human soul.
The intimate becomes public.


The ACA / AAC [Action for Artistic Creativity / Action pour la créativité Artistique] Mauritius is holding an International Portraits Exhibition in November 2009 at IBL Gallery, Port-Louis, Mauritius. The exhibition shall host about 25 foreign artists’ artworks and 25 local renowned Mauritian artists.
Portrait Exhibition in Mauritius 2009
The main objective of the exhibition is to unite artists from the different corners of the world together in oneness in Mauritius which is considered as a world in miniature. The purpose of the exhibition is to stimulate the development of creativity and innovations and to promote the exchange of ideas and sharing of original experiences.

II International Festival of Independent Art -The Level of a Sea 20/10/2009


dedicated to the 20th anniversary of   Art Center “Pushkinskaya-10”
Central Exhibition Hall «Manege», St.-Petersburg, Russia,

24. October – 8. November 2009

In 2009 The “Pushkinskaya-10” Art Center in St Petersburg celebrates its 20th anniversary. The workers of independent art united in The Society “Free Culture” (S «FC»), professional artistic association, decided to mark this date by organizing the II international festival of independent art. The 1st festival «From the falling to the flight», dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Art-Center «Pushkinskaya-10» and the problem of migration of Russian avant-garde, was held in 2004.
The “Sea Level” metaphor, which unites the seashore cultures, became the key one in the concept of the St Petersburg festival. Such uniting is not accidental. The ancient civilizations, with their rich culture and art, existed exactly in a dialog with a sea. Ebbs and flows determined the rhythm of the life of people; the people’s well-being depended on the sea. Only the middle – optimal – level of the sea guaranteed the uninterrupted development of culture and civilization. The ancient laws still stand in new times. Thereby, the level of a sea determines the level of happiness of people through at all times.
In The St Petersburg Central Exhibition Hall “Manege” all the kinds of contemporary art will be presented: painting, printed and digital graphic arts, sculpture, installation, video-art, photography, performance, music.
The Art-Center “Pushkinskaya-10” and The Museum of Nonconformist Art present the concept of the Festival’s organization in the St Petersburg coordinates. As all seas are integral parts of World Ocean, at the Festival there will be oceanic countries too. There are four vectors issuing from the zero mark of the Sea Level at the Kronstadt Tide-Gauge in Russia. They directed towards White Sea (Arkhangelsk), Caspian Sea (Makhachkala), Baltic Sea (Kaliningrad) and Sea of Japan (Vladivostok). The vectors of Sea Level outside of Russian state boundary are directed to the South – Black and Mediterranean Seas (Ukraine, France, Greece, Italy, Israel, Spain), towards the East – the Pacific Ocean (Japan, the USA), towards the West – Baltic and North Seas (Great Britain, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany).

Personal exhibition Power Games at the Draakon Gallery 03/08/2009

While the artist’s previous exhibition at the Draakon Gallery with Gregory Slick in 2003 focused on creative liberty and artistic independence, this exhibition has been spurred by the values, attitudes and default norms and restrictions of the society, she says.

Sirje Protsin: “Power issues arise in any social formation. If there is more than one person in a room, power games begin. How does it end? The result always depends on balance. Power games can be cruel, aggressive, passionate, confusing, sometimes levelheaded, pointless, silent, etc. Purpose makes us capable of anything and everything, outlining great conflicts, unnecessary sharpness and malevolent confrontation, but also enjoyable rhetoric, bursts of human emotions and witty developments of thought. Life provides abundant examples of power games and manipulation in all walks of life.”

European Contemporary Party-Opera Gallery, Budapest 09/05/2009

Exhibition by artists from the 27 member states of the EU.
Opening Reception 09.05.2009 Catalogues and Artists
European Union Exhibition Catalogue

Exposed-Rae Gallery Kuressaare 03/04/2009


with Per William Petersen at the Rae Gallery in Kuressaare,  Saaremaa.
At that exhibition Sirje Protsin-Petersen displays her latest figural paintings,
where emotion and perception hold a prominent place.
States of mind are reflected in the given moment, crawling closer to reality from beneath the layer of paint.
The uncovered, undisguised human nature manifests its internal beauty and ugliness.
The human character that guides our fate is revealed to the viewer.
The world is happening.

Grand opening of Turning Point 04/03/2009


04.- 29.03.2009 Tartu Art Hall
is a mighty and sensitive moment where you find yourself stopping and thinking.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow – me and my ambience suddenly amount to a sum containing experience and awareness of your own presence here and now.

It is a powerful sensation and a reverent moment which calls for decisions that are not always easy. Life is not a straight line from point to point, and turning points are inevitable in order to make choices and appreciate true values.


The exhibition includes paintings from 2008-2009